Saturday, 9 March 2013

Jolly luke-warm show, old bean!

Watching and praying, as British fruit doesn’t seem to have the right climate (yet) – How does it taste? It’s not ripe yet… a bit hard!

We seem afraid of the touch of the fire and yet we live for it.
Isn't it strange that so many now have grace to welcome unscriptural teachers into the church and put up with traditions, wrought from supposition - Yet sigh at and lobby a militant animosity toward those who navigate by God's word?
No? - I pray you're right!

John 16:2
"…an hour is coming for everyone who kills you to think that he is offering service to God."

I have HOPE though. The Lord is cultivating the soil of people's hearts, right now... ready for a new season of sowing. All the "MANURE" being thrown is fertiliser for the crop to come!!!

Get ready to die - to self!!!

Photo Oxford - The Place of Latimer, Ridley and Cramner's last stand


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